Dim curPath curPath = WScript.ScriptFullName curPath = Left(curPath, InstrRev(curPath, )) Dim word, doc, docName Set word = CreateObject(Word.Application) Set doc = word.Documents.Add(curPath & testinvoice.dot) number = InputBox(Enter the invoice number) if number = then doc.Close word.Quit end if invdate = InputBox(Enter the invoice date) if invdate = then doc.Close word.Quit end if recip = InputBox(Enter the recipient) if recip = then doc.Close word.Quit end if ? Начало метки A doc.Bookmarks(InvoiceNumber).Range.Text = number doc.Bookmarks(InvoiceDate).Range.Text = invdate doc.Bookmarks(InvoiceRecipient).Range.Text = recip ? Конец метки A ? Начало метки B docName = curPath & inv_ & number & .doc doc.SaveAs docName doc.SendMail WScript.Sleep(2000) doc.Close word.Quit ? Конец метки B