Sub Main()
  Dim blnTrace    ? Display extra output (for debugging purposes)
  Dim strComputerName  ? String containing the computer name
  Dim strJobName       ? String containing the job name
  Dim strStartIn       ? «Start-in» directory for the program
  Dim strCommand       ? String containing command line
  Dim lngExitCode      ? Exit code for the command
? Abort if not using cscript.exe.
  If ScriptHost() <> «cscript.exe» Then
    Wscript.Echo «You must run this script using the CScript host.»
  End If
  ? Check for command-line arguments; if any of the required four
  ? are missing, display the usage message.
With Wscript.Arguments
    If .Named(«computer») = «» Then Usage
    If .Named(«account») = «»  Then Usage
    If .Named(«password») = «» Then Usage
    If .Named(«program») = «»  Then Usage
    strComputerName = FixComputerName(.Named(«computer»))
    ? Build a job name that consists of the filename and the
    ? current date/time.
    strJobName = GetProgramName(.Named(«program»)) & _
       « [« & StrDateTime() & «]»
    ? The «start-in» directory will be a null string if the /startin
    ? option is not specified on the command line.
    strStartIn = .Named(«startin»)
  End With
  ? Enable trace mode if /trace command-line option is present.
  blnTrace = Wscript.Arguments.Named.Exists(«trace»)
 ? Build command line; quote all arguments.
  With Wscript.Arguments
    strCommand = «jt /sm «»» & strComputerName & «»»» _
      & « /saj «»» & strJobName & «»»» _
      & « /sc «»» & .Named(«account») & «»» «»» _
      & .Named(«password») & «»»» & « /ctj StartTime=NOW _
     Type=ONCE Disabled=0» & « /sj ApplicationName=»»» _
     & .Named(«program») & «»» Parameters=»»» _
     & .Named(«parameters») & «»» DeleteWhenDone=1»
    ? Specify a «start-in» directory if required
    If strStartIn <> «» Then strCommand = strCommand & _
    « WorkingDirectory=»»» & strStartIn & «»»»
  End With
  ? Output the entire command line if trace mode enabled.
  If blnTrace Then Wscript.Echo «[TRACE] Command line: _
  ?« & strCommand & «?«
  ? Run the program and retrieve its exit code; if trace mode is
  ? active, also display the program?s standard output.
  lngExitCode = RunCommandLine(strCommand, blnTrace)
  If blnTrace Then
    Wscript.Echo «[TRACE] Exit code: « & CStr(lngExitCode)
    Wscript.Stdout.Write «[« & strComputerName & «]: «
    If lngExitCode = 0 Then
      Wscript.Echo «Scheduled job ?« & strJobName & «?«
      Wscript.Echo «Error « & CStr(lngExitCode) & _
      « scheduling job ?« & strJobName & «?«
    End If
  End If
  Wscript.Quit lngExitCode
End Sub