Open Systems. DBMS 2020, Volume 28, Number 2


Ontological Models: A Key to Hyperautomation
The all-permeating corporate sector digitalization, much talked about these days, requires new approaches and architectures to support meaningful data use. These architectures include ontological models and graph databases.
Yelena Gaidukova (, Digital Initiatives Group Analyst, Comindware (Moscow).

Development of Service-Based Architectural Style
With society, business and manufacturing getting increasingly complex, their management gets complicated as well, and the challenge today is not in collecting enterprise data, but in the interpretation of that data in order to create a holistic and detailed picture. A systematic approach based on the enterprise architecture discipline can help in addressing the problem.
Marina Anshina (, Chairwoman, Russian CIO Union, assistant professor, Financial University (Moscow).

Event Semantics-Driven Architecture
In order to create an industrial software application, it’s usually necessary to translate all operations and object parameters into the language of commands and numbers to build a digital model that could be processed using a von Neumann architecture-based computer. There is, however, an alternative approach based on capturing the event flow and creating executable semantic models.
Alexander Boldachev (, systems analyst, IPE-lab (Москва).

Isomorphic Internet of Things Architectures With Web Technologies
Internet of Things development needs isomorphic software architectures, in which every kind of device can be programmed with a consistent set of implementation technologies, allowing applications and their components to be statically deployed or dynamically migrated without having to change their shape.
Tommi Mikkonen (, professor, University of Helsinki; Cesare Pautasso (, Senior Member, IEEE; Antero Taivalsaari (, Fellow, Nokia Bell Labs.

Power10: The Revival of RISC
Despite CISC based CPUs still dominating the server market, the interest in RISC systems is beginning to renew these days. Power10 CPUs will find their uses. Their application range will depend upon the price and power specifications, although that range is going to be wider than Power9 enjoyed, including not only compute and big data tasks, but also artificial intelligence workloads.
Mikhail Kuzminsky (, senior fellow, N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry (Moscow).

A Vision for the Evolution of the Edge-Cloud Continuum
We present a holistic vision for the edge-cloud ecosystem, with the intent of spurring the creation of next-generation technologies for futuristic applications that operate at computational-perception speeds to convert sensed data to actionable knowledge.
Joy Arulraj (, assistant professor, Abhijit Chatterjee, professor (, Alexandros Daglis (, assistant professor, Ashutosh Dhekne (, assistant professor, Umakishore Ramachandran, professor (, Georgia Institute of Technology.

The Economics of Central Bank Digital Currency
Central bank digital currency (CBDC) is emerging as the future of banking and payments. We analyze CBDCs’ benefits to consumers and the economy and some concerns associated with their use.
Nir Kshetri (, professor, University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Adversarial Machine Learning: Attacks From Laboratories to the Real World?
When machine learning techniques are applied in real-world applications, what potential threats do they face and how can we mitigate them?
Hsiao-Ying Lin (, senior researcher, Huawei International; Battista Biggio (, assistant professor, University of Cagliari.

Knowledge Management Trends
Digitalization is impossible without transforming the management model of the both entire organization and data available to it's. The success of such transformations is largely influenced by taking into account current trends in knowledge management.
Fyodor Krasnov (, Director, Irina Smaznevich (, Business Analyst, Semantic Systems Department, Naumen (Moscow).

Is “Free” Software Really Free?
Political and sanction risks along with the need to cut infrastructure costs make companies look for ways to reduce software expenses, which grow increasingly hefty. As a result, many Russian organizations have begun switching to open-source software in hopes of cutting their expenses. But to what extent “free software” is really free?
Sergey Shestakov (, CEO, Dmitry Doroveyev, Chief Design Engineer, Luxms, (St. Petersburg).

A Trial on a Standard, Tech Forecasts, and Autonomous Vehicle Security
The June, July, and August issues of Computer Magazine (IEEE Computer Society, V. 54, No. 6,7,8 2021) cover subjects including state and IT relationships, innovations that benefit humanity and our planet, as well as autonomous vehicles’ safety, security, and reliability.
Alexander Tyrenko (, reviewer, Computerworld Russia (Moscow).